Helping Hands Fund for Undergraduate Support

The purpose of the Helping Hands Fund for  Undergraduate Support Fund is to provide one-time, need-based assistance to undergraduate members of Chi Omega Fraternity in good standing who may be experiencing financial hardship.

Thank you for your interest and support of the Chi Omega Foundation. For information on gifts of stock, IRA qualified charitable gifts or gifts from donor-advised funds, click here to learn more about ways to invest or contact the Chi Omega Foundation at 901.748.8635 or

1. Choose an amount:

Or enter your own amount:

2. Your information:

First Name
Informal Name
Last Name
Maiden Name
Address 2
State / Province
Postal Code
Phone Number

3. Honor a Sister: (Optional)

To search for a Sister and their email on file, sign in above by clicking on the member login. If you have the email of the person you are honoring and don’t login please add it so they will receive their notification. Select Add or Edit Message to include or change a personalized message.
Note Icon Add or Edit Message
Remove Icon Remove
Add Another — For every $10.00, honor one special Sister (up to 20).

4. Payment details:

Chi Omega does not store payment information.
Accepted Cards
Card Number
Expiration Date
Name on Card
Billing Zip Code

5. Other questions: (Optional)

Does your company offer a matching gift program?
Would you like to receive information about planned giving?
What inspired you to make this donation?